Columbia St. Mary's Hospital Columbia
Columbia St. Mary's Hospital Columbia
2025 E. Newport Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
(414) 961-3300

Columbia St. Mary’s Breast Health Centers offer a unique environment for women. Designed with your wellbeing in mind, our Centers are exclusive – providing care for women only – in a private, comfortable setting.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Columbia St. Mary’s has been a pioneering force in bringing the latest services and technology to women in Milwaukee. As the first Breast Health Centers in southeastern Wisconsin to offer Full-Field Digital Mammography, Stereotactic Needle Core Biopsy, Contour Mammography Units, and Computer Assisted Device, we have continued our commitment to provide state-of-the-art technology at Columbia St. Mary’s.

Highly Trained Staff

The staff at the Centers specialize in women’s procedures, and each person is given individualized, compassionate care. The Center’s experienced staff members include board certified radiologists, registered technologists, and a Breast Health Clinician - a registered nurse with a background in breast cancer care.

Diagnostic and Wellness Services

Our Breast Health Centers are equipped with the latest technology to provide breast imaging and related services. Breast Health Clinicians are available for individual education, support and peace of mind. All breast imaging services are fully accredited by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in accordance with the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA).

Services include:

Screening and diagnostic mammograms are performed using Contour Mammography Units which allow for greater comfort and provide a more comprehensive mammogram. This is the only mammography equipment that complies with requirements established by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Computer Assisted Device (CAD
This sophisticated computer rechecks each mammogram and highlights suspicious areas to be noted by the radiologist. The CAD marks abnormalities on the mammogram and assists the radiologist in the early detection of breast cancer. This technology is available with the digital mammography.

Full-Field Digital Mammography
A computer is used to capture, adjust and magnify X-ray images of the breast; assisting the radiologist in evaluating complex breast tissue. This technology is available at our three hospital locations and the River Woods Outpatient Center in Glendale.

Minimally Invasive Breast Biopsy Procedures
These procedures are less painful than surgery and virtually eliminate scarring to allow patients to resume daily activities more quickly. The procedures include Fine needle, Core needle, and Mammotome breast biopsies with ultrasound or stereotactic guidance.

Breast MRI
Breast MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) uses magnetic fields and radio waves to image the breast. MRI is one of the most advanced diagnostic imaging tools available. Breast MRI can be used to evaluate dense breast tissue, monitor high risk patients, biopsies, surgical planning, and the staging of breast cancer. MRI is painless and non-invasive.

Education and Support
Education and resource materials are available on all procedures performed at the Centers, as well as information on womens health and wellness.

Programs for Low Income and Uninsured
Call the appropriate Center for questions on qualifications.

Other Women's Services:

Ultrasound Procedures
Outpatient female diagnostic ultrasound procedures are provided including breast, abdominal, and obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN).

Convenient Scheduling
If you would like to schedule an appointment for any of the above services call:

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