Flagstaff Medical Center
Flagstaff Medical Center
1200 N. Beaver St., Flagstaff, Ariz. 86001
928 779-3366

The Cancer Centers of Northern Arizona Healthcare - Flagstaff Campus
provides a highly experienced; multidisciplinary team of cancer specialists including radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, physicists, radiation therapists, dosimetrists, oncology-certified nurses, social workers and dietitians. This team works together to design individualized treatment plans best suited to each patient's physical and medical needs.

The center offers medical and radiation oncology ensuring a patient’s care is coordinated and comprehensive. Patients and families are encouraged to take an active role in the development of thier own treatment plan.

The team at the Cancer Centers of NAH cares about each patient and they believe a healing environment is very important in the treatment process for those who have been diagnosed with cancer. The diagnosis of cancer can be overwhelming. It may cause emotions such as fear, depression and uncertainty. These emotions give rise to difficult questions commonly asked by patients and family members, such as:

How will cancer impact me physically and emotionally?
Will treatments interfere with my usual activities?
Can I manage financially?
How do I learn to live with cancer?
Our experienced and caring team always is available to answer any questions and offer patients and their families the support they need.

The Cancer Centers of NAH, with locations in Sedona and Flagstaff, are non-profit institutions devoted to improving cancer care through advanced technology, while earning the trust and respect of families and patients through individualized care. The latest in cancer treatment is available at both centers and has brought hope and cure to cancer patients throughout Northern and Central Arizona.

The Cancer Center of Northern Arizona Healthcare - Flagstaff campus is located at 1200 N. Beaver St., Flagstaff, on the Flagstaff Medical Center campus.

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