National Cancer Information Center (NCIC) Korea
National Cancer Information Center (NCIC) Korea

NCIC was launched as a national cancer information service in April 2005.
To provide comprehensive up-to-date, evidence-based cancer information to cancer patients, their families and health professionals in confidential and personalized manner.
NCIC provide cancer information service with nationwide phone(Call Center +082-1577-8899), web site( and publication.
Since April 2005, NCIC have provided information and support for cancer patients and their families by more than 10,000 phone calls, and NCIC provides some booklets and leaflets on various aspect of cancer.
The web portal services include common cancer information, FAQ, national cancer statistics, various kinds of educational materials and medical term vocabulary service.
Developed website, email and automatic response system for specific cancers
To provide high-quality cancer information services and resources on all aspects of cancer to those concerned or affected by cancer.

Service that provides comprehensive, accurate and reliable information about cancer and cancer control to anyone who asks.
How will you deliver the service?
- One on one(phone, email)
- Web pages, pamphlets...
What will be involved?
- Accurate resources of cancer information
- Services in the community
- Statistics for keeping track of inquiries...
Given national strategy for cancer control, CIS was seen as essential tool to increase awareness for prevention
Developed website, email and automatic response system for specific cancers
Phone-based one-on-one service in one year
To provide high-quality cancer information services and resources on all aspects of cancer to those concerned or affected by cancer.

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