Stanford Cancer Center
Stanford Cancer Center
875 Blake Wilbur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305

Stanford's Cancer Center physicians and researchers have been instrumental in developing many of the leading technologies used to diagnose and treat breast cancer today. This expertise allows our specialists to offer you personalized treatment plans with more breast-sparing options than ever before.

Clinical Services Overview

Drawing upon the expertise of more than 300 researchers and clinicians from the Schools of Medicine, Engineering and Humanities & Sciences, the Stanford Cancer Center is at the forefront of today's advances in cancer research and medicine.
The extensive range of advanced clinical services available under one roof truly reflects the world-class nature of the treatment patients receive at the Stanford Cancer Center.

In-House Innovations
Stanford researchers and physicians have led the way in developing many of the current state-of-the-art radiology, antibody, and biologic therapies that are used to treat cancers. This in-house expertise allows the Stanford Cancer Center to make the best use of these therapies for our patients.

State-of-the-Art Technology
In addition, the Stanford Cancer Center rapidly invests in new technologies that have been shown to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment, ensuring that our patients have access to the best care possible.

For example, our all digital mammography service enables CAD analysis of mammograms which has been proven to increase diagnostic accuracy, and our PET/CT scanners allow doctors to simultaneously view anatomical and biological tumor information, providing a greater ability to pinpoint a cancer's location than ever before.

Your Cancer Team
Underlying all of our clinical cancer services is a team of doctors, nurses, and staff that work together to give you the best care and most positive experience possible.

Our teams collaborate at all stages of your care, and physicians regularly participate in multidisciplinary tumor boards to discuss patient diagnosis and treatment with other experts on staff.

Unique Attention to Patients
Technology isn't the only thing that makes the Stanford Cancer Center unique.

We also place a strong emphasis on patient convenience and well-being. From valet parking, to a warm and uplifting environment, to patient-focused amenities, such as concierges and navigators, the staff of the Stanford Cancer Center will provide a highly supportive environment for overcoming cancer.

©2009 Stanford Medicine
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