Fighting Breast Cancer Blog
Fighting Breast Cancer Blog
Most blogs put the "most recent" entry at the top of the page. My Fighting Breast Cancer blog starts with my first doctor's visit. If you would like to skip to the most recent entry, please see the Journal Entries section on the left side of this page.
This blog is not abandoned! I am just extremely busy and I'm trying to get caught up!. This blog tells the story of my fight with Stage IV breast cancer. When I was 29 years old, the tumor in my breast was misdiagnosed as a cyst. My hope is that this blog will help other women to learn to ask for a mammogram or even a biopsy if they feel something suspicious in their breast, regardless of their age.
Please ignore the dates at the top of the posts. As I write this, it is the year 2008, yet you may notice that my most entries say they were written in 2005. Well, they were. I am actually copying my journal entries from paper and posting them here. If you would like to contact me, please do so at I am still working at my Arizona Mortgage Company