MCG Cancer Center
MCG Cancer Center
1410 Laney Walker Blvd.
Augusta, GA 30912
706-721-1663 office
706-721-1670 fax

Good Communication Means Better Care
Breast cancer requires treatment from an array of medical arts including surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation, plastic surgery and support services.

MCG's multidisciplinary team, lead by Dr. Thomas Samuel, medical oncologist, brings all the needed expertise together. This focused collaboration assures that all options are considered, and it works to clarify the treatment path.

In the multidisciplinary approach, a patient comes to the clinic and in one day meets with all the health providers appropriate for her care and "leaves with a plan in hand," says Dr. Samuel.

An oncology nurse, called a breast health navigator, follows the patient through treatment and appointments. If the patient becomes a candidate for any clinical drug trials, the navigator will help her be evaluated for the program.

Trials are organized and conducted according to exact guidelines:

to ensure ethical patient care,
to maintain data free of bias.
The team approach is a great way to treat patients and has made a difference in how she radiates them, knowing the concerns of her teammates, says Dr. Catherine Chang, radiation oncologist and a team member.

"Patients don't realize how important it is for their different physicians to be communicating well with each other because getting good cancer-care treatment really relies on good communication," she says.

"It is hard to believe sometimes, but things get misconstrued or important details of the case can be lost. ... It should be the model for any cancerous patient."

© 2009 Medical College of Georgia
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